- San Antonio Regional Hospital, Upland, CA
Web And Social Media Administrator (2017-Present)
• Directed a complete rebuild of San Antonio's Digital brand marketing and integrated marketing strategy, saving significant costs on the redevelopment.
• Rebuilt and launched www.sarh.org website in Dec. 2020, including installing Sitefinity on Azure Cloud, managing Github, designing the website, and migrating over 450 pages of content from Ektron CMS.
• Redesigning the current website, www.sarh.org. New site is on a staging server, URL is https://staging.sarhdev.us/ Newly designed website is launching in March 2024.
- Butte County Office of Education, Cteonline.Org , CTEonline.org
CTE Online Lead Teacher Curriculum Trainer (2016-2017)
• Traveled to school districts in California presenting and recruiting teachers for a 2-day paid curriculum-writing workshop.
• Presented and taught curriculum-writing skills at five, 2-day workshops, developing lesson plans for www.cteonline.org.
- Riverside County Office Of Education - Riverside , CA
Web Design Instructor (2016-2017)
• Supervised and instructed 120 students in all productions phases necessary to complete complex individual websites.
• Wrote California state curriculum for Web Design classes, giving students a-g Fine Arts credit and community college credit.
• Adobe certified instructor and test proctor of the Adobe Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Dreamweaver.
- DigiGraph, Redlands, CA
Self-Employed Web Designer (2002-2011)
• Hired and managed 7 different virtual employees in a streamlined and cost-effective manner.
• Developed and maintained a large ecommerce site for Murad Skin Care Products.
• Cultivated and maintained a weekly contact email list of 250,000 realtors, brokers, and agents.
- American Medical Specialty Organization – Los Angeles, Ca
Director of Marketing (2002-2011)
• Structured the marketing department of a newly created capitated contract managed care firm.
• Joined a new startup firm, increasing its revenue to $1.5 million per month in less than a year.
• Organized several trade shows and events, attracting and signing high-end physicians as clients.